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Mirror, mirror on the wall, what is normal after all?

Written By: Aarya Patil

Mirror, mirror on the wall, what is normal after all? What is going to be considered normal after the coronavirus pandemic? One thing is for sure, the new normal will be anything but ordinary. Every day is going to be different. I believe that we are living in a historical moment that will soon be in our history books. The pandemic is changing our lives in smaller ways, too. Now that we are required to wear face masks in public, they are becoming somewhat of a new trend. Now you can find face masks in different colors, patterns, and designs, and as time goes on, they are becoming our everyday accessories and a major part of our lives. Face masks are the most effective at slowing the spread of the coronavirus.

We are adapting to a new way of living life. I know that everything will be okay. We are all in this situation together. We have to start believing that what we are doing is making a difference. People from around the world are working day and night to find a cure for the coronavirus. I wanted to give a huge thanks to all the healthcare and essential workers for keeping us safe and healthy. We will solve this problem together!

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