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Writer's picture: The Two Twenty TimesThe Two Twenty Times

By: Miraya Jain

Here are some interesting riddles to get your mind thinking!

  1. What month of the year has 28 days? Answer: All of them

  2. There’s a one-story house in which everything is pink. Pink walls, pink doors, pink furniture. What color are the stairs? Answer: There aren’t any—it’s a one-story house.

  3. What has many keys but can’t open a single lock? Answer: A piano

  4. I’m light as a feather, yet the strongest person can’t hold me for five minutes. What am I? Answer: Your breath

  5. Where does today come before yesterday? Answer: The dictionary

  6. What invention lets you look right through a wall? Answer: A window

  7. If you’re running in a race and you pass the person in second place, what place are you in? Answer: Second place

  8. What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it? Answer: Short

  9. 2 women were together, each drinking their own glass of ice tea from a cafe. One woman drank hers extremely fast, finishing the entire glass in a matter of seconds, while the other took a long time, nearly half an hour, to finish her glass. A while later, the woman who drank her ice tea slowly died. How is this possible? Answer: the poison was in the middle of the ice cube, so since the woman who drank it fast didn’t get through there, she wasn’t poisoned but the woman who drank it slow had the ice melted by the time she finished it, so the poison got through.

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