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What on Earth is Happening in Portland, Oregon?

Updated: Aug 24, 2020

Written By: Amulya Manoj

The city of Portland, Oregon has now exceeded 50 days of protesting, since the murder of George Floyd. Since May 25, 2020 protests have been going strong, demanding reforms to policing practices, and urging their political leaders to address the systematic racism and police brutality against people of color.

For decades now, people of color have been subject to police brutality, as seen with Elijah McClain. He was a 23-year-old who was killed by the Aurora Police in Colorado less than a year ago. Elijah, who was wearing a mask because he was anemic, was walking to his local grocery store. The police were called to report suspicious activity, but the person who was calling also notified them that Elijah did not seem dangerous and did not seem to have a weapon. Regardless, the police used excessive force and attacked McClain. His exact words as he was brutally attacked were, “I’m an introvert. I'm just different. That's all. I'm so sorry. I have no gun. I don't do that stuff. I don't do any fighting. Why are you attacking me? I don't even kill flies! I don't eat meat! But I don't judge people, I don't judge people who eat meat. Forgive me all I was trying to do is become better.” He proceeded to compliment the officers who were assaulting him, calling them phenomenal, beautiful, and telling them they were loved. After repeatedly shouting I can’t breathe, the same as what Eric Garner and George Floyd said as they were murdered by police, the officers continued using excessive force on an unarmed citizen. The officers had been using a fatal Carotid Choke which had been widely banned in places except for Aurora. Elijah continued to vomit and shout “I can’t breathe,” and went into cardiac arrest twice and was later declared brain dead. Once again, the police officers have yet to be charged for his murder. Protests began to arrest the killers of George Floyd, but have continued to fight for Breonna Taylor, Elijah McClain, Tamir Rice, and many more.

As Portland protests continue, President Trump has called these protests organized anarchists and a serious threat to the US government. The president has attempted to put an end to these protests by bringing in even more law enforcement. Dozens to hundreds of federal troops deployed by the United States Department of Homeland Security have been occupying Portland, throwing tear gas into the crowds of protestors, and arresting these citizens and moving them into unmarked vehicles. After these federal officers have used an inappropriate amount of force against the individuals who remained peaceful, the mayor of Portland, Ted Wheeler, has said in an interview with CNN that, “They're [Federal Troops] not wanted here. We haven’t asked them here. In fact, we want them to leave.” Protests have remained peaceful for the most part, but not too long ago, a riot broke out and the Portland Police Association building was set on fire, but was quickly put out. However, regardless of how peaceful the protest was, these federal agents have been operating without identification, using an excessive amount of force, and arresting peaceful civilians without a valid reason. As citizens of the United States, we have the right to peacefully assemble, as declared by the First Amendment. So why is it that the protests which have remained peaceful have resulted in several arrests and injuries?

Protestors have held their ground against both the police officers as well as federal agents, as they exhibit the same excessive force the protests have started against. On Monday night, July 20, 2020, thousands of protestors assembled as a “wall” of mothers who stood up against police officers as a display to show them protecting the protestors, symbolizing their children.

As the situation worsens, the state of Oregon is beginning to sue the federal government over unlawful arrests. Several journalists have been arrested or threatened to be arrested without breaking any laws or committing crimes. Regardless of what your political beliefs are, what’s happening in Portland, Oregon is terrifying. Americans are being violated of their rights. Portland may not be the only city invaded by federal troops, it can soon be yours too. If you are looking to help, contact your representatives and senators to speak out against what is happening in Portland.

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