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Poverty and World Hunger

Updated: Apr 6, 2021

Written By: Praghna H. Palaparthy

Someone who never knew what poverty and world hunger were would assume that everyone on this planet is living a healthy life, and has an efficient amount of food. Well, that is not always the case, 9.9 percent of America deals with starvation and lack of money What is poverty? Without knowing the answer, it's hard to understand why it is harmful. The network definition of Poverty is the state of being extremely poor. It is the state in which a person does not have the money to eat three times a day, when they can't send their kids to school, and when they have nowhere to sleep. Poverty is an issue that increases drastically each year. One should learn about world hunger to understand poverty.

World hunger, in simple words, is when half of the world is facing hunger. There are many things that can cause world hunger: eating disorders, weak digestive systems, but the most leading cause is poverty. The problem is not that we aren't able to produce enough food every day. There is enough food to feed the entire world well. Another popular cause of hunger is food waste; people throw out large amounts of food without realizing the value of it. Almost 820 million people face this problem every year, which is 11% of the world. The most unfortunate fact is that 9 million people die from world hunger every year. Believe it or not, children are the most affected by world hunger; around 2.6 million children die because of world hunger. So how can we fix this issue? Here are solutions we can do to help alleviate world hunger

Food donations:

Donating food is a beneficial solution. Even cooking food for the poor is helpful, and we can also build food donation drives. People can enter, donate food for the hungry, and leave with a prize. Giving prizes for the people who donated the most would attract others to donate often.


Not everyone has a farm or a barn, but we can devote our time to planting vegetables or fruits in our front yards, backyards, or gardens. After the vegetables are grown, we can cook food with them or donate them plain.

Accessible education:

Most public schools are free, but not everyone has the accessibility to enroll in them. Education is the key. Anything can happen with proper studying. Sign, or create petitions, protest, use your networking, and help change this.

Help countries high in poverty:

Countries that have a low poverty rate have enough money to give to the poor. Countries that are not facing poverty can help others by donating money. Contact your mayor or an important person in politics and use their help in gathering support from other countries. Another way is to join companies that are also wanting to help in making a bigger impact.

Since we now have learned about world hunger, understanding poverty would be easier. One billion children, out of nine billion people on earth, live in poverty. The most unfortunate fact is more than three billion people make $2.50 a day. Seven hundred and fifty million people that live in this world are not even able to drink clean water. All of these alarming facts make up the concept of poverty. Poverty is caused by uneducated people, high divorce rates, and an immense population. How can we be involved in helping to reduce poverty? These are a couple of solutions to reduce poverty:

Support increase in the minimum wage:

Supporting the poor by increasing the range of pay is an applicable idea. Joining protests or, online protesting by signing petitions and using your platform are ways to peacefully help increase the minimum pay.

Donate for the homeless:

There are many things we don't use around the house. We can donate clothing to companies that give to the poor. If you choose this to be the best way of helping, remember to donate to organizations that actually help people. Reasonable places we could donate to are, America’s Red Cross, Vietnam Veterans of America, The Salvation Army, Dress for Success, churches or other religious places, Goodwill, Big Brother Big Sister Foundation, Planet Aid, and Donate My Dress.

Adopting children or becoming their sister or brother:

Multiple apps and companies allow us to become an older sibling for children. Interested people can also adopt children from shelters.

Donate money:

The best way to help is by donating money. Money can be spent in many ways, for food, clothes, freshwater, etc. Places to donate money are Goodwill, Red Cross, Givedirectly, and more. Before donating money read articles about the best places to donate to, and check with charity recommenders for more information.

Hopefully, reading this article gives a brief understanding of one of the many first-world problems. Everyone can help make a change to any problem by using their voices and actions. There are many ways to end poverty: simply cooking food, donating money, increasing the minimum wage, growing plants, etc. This article most likely has informed you about different ways to contribute to reducing poverty and world hunger issues.

Works Cited:

  • Action Against Hunger,

  • “Downsize Poverty.” The Borgen Project, 4 May 2020,

  • “Let's Do This!” Let's Do This! |,

  • “More than 1.5 Million Children Experience Homelessness in a Year.” Poverty in The USA | Catholic Campaign for Human Development,

  • “Personal Finance Blog & Guide to Financial Fitness.” Money Crashers,

  • Rise Against Hunger, 6 Aug. 2020,

  • “Understand the News.” Vox,

  • “Urban Institute Home Page.” Urban Institute, 14 July 2016,

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