By: Neha Nagpal
If you say the word “spirit” in October, when Halloween is rounding the corner, people will instantly think of ghosts and creepy supernatural entities. But what about the month after that? In November, our troop is started a new tradition for a different kind of spirit: scout spirit.
What is scout spirit? Put simply, Scout spirit is the motivation to follow the Scout oath and law. Right now, with all of us being stuck at home and bored out of our minds, I don’t think many of us would have much motivation to do ANYTHING at all. So, during November, our troop had Troop Spirit Month!
Troop Spirit Month is a month full of chances to earn points for your patrol in various ways! The rules are simple: show up to patrol and troop meetings, participate in activities and competitions, and earn points for you and your patrol! The patrol that manages to rack up the most points will receive an exciting award!
Troop Spirit Month is an exciting new tradition that our troop hopes to uphold for many years. We hope everyone has fun with it!!!