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Featuring the Senior Scout, Sofia Petrova

Updated: Aug 24, 2020

Written By: Sofia Petrova

Five years ago, I had the honor of meeting a few of the most amazing girls I’ve ever known through Venturing. I never could have predicted that three years later, we would go on to become Troop 220’s founding senior scout patrol. The first campout we hosted as a troop, rather than as a crew, was Lake Elizabeth, and I’ll never forget the experience. Our small group of senior scouts was meeting and guiding the other founding scouts of Troop 220 for the first time: teaching them how to use camping stoves, tie lashings, demonstrate leadership skills and show troop spirit… Throughout these past two years, I’ve watched these scouts learn and grow, both in their skills and as people, until eventually, they took on the very senior scout positions once held by me and those extraordinary girls I admired for years. I hope that these new senior scouts now can have the same experience I have had: of teaching and learning, working with and admiring their peers, and feeling this remarkable sense of pride, as they pass on this torch to the next generation of scouts.

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