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Frequently Asked Questions About Scouting

Updated: Aug 7, 2020

Written By: Sanjana Mohan

What is the purpose of the Boy Scouts of America?

The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law. Their vision is to prepare every eligible youth in America to become a responsible, participating citizen and leader who is guided by the Scout Oath and Law. Their aims are character development, leadership development, citizenship training, and personal fitness.

What are the YPT policies?

YPT stands for Youth Protection Training. This is a course offered by BSA and is required for adults who wish to participate in Scouting activities. Two registered adult leaders over the age of 21 must be present at all Scouting activities and there must be at least one female adult over the age of 21. In any interaction between a Scout and an adult, a registered adult or parent must be present.

These rules are applied even now. In any video call, unless it is on Hangouts, there must be 2 adult leaders, and one must be a female. This isn’t the official YPT policy for online meetings, but our troop has adopted these rules.

How to get a Board of Review?

A Board of Review is a time to determine the Scout's attitudes, accomplishments, and acceptance of Scouting Ideals. A Scout must request a BOR by sending an email to the Advancement Committee. A BOR should be requested when the Scout has finished all requirements and has completed a Scoutmaster Conference. For the scouts who are working on Star and above, a BOR can be requested before the 4 or 6 month leadership deadline, but the rank will only be earned once you are finished with the 4 or 6 month time. A BOR will be scheduled once the Advancement Committee has gathered enough parents to be the “Board”. It is mandatory that a Scout is in their Class A uniform.

Currently, BOR’s are being held online, but everything else is the same.

How to get a Scoutmaster Conference?

A Scoutmaster Conference is a meeting between the Scoutmaster and a Scout. During the conference, a Scout can discuss their ambitions and life’s purpose, set goals for future achievement, review their participation in the troop, and explore their understanding and practice of Scouting ideals. To schedule a Scoutmaster Conference, send an email to Mr. Amon through Troop WebHost. Once it is scheduled, arrive prepared and in your Class A uniform.

During this time, you can still schedule Scoutmaster Conferences by sending an email to Mr. Amon. The conference will be held online over Zoom.

How to get requirements signed off for rank advancement?

Requirements are signed off when you show or tell an adult or youth leader what is required for the requirement. Requirements can be worked on with your family, other Scouts, or adult leaders and can be done in any Scouting activity. As you complete each requirement, you will get tested and signed off.

Currently, requirements are being signed off by youth leaders who lead the rank advancement of Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class. To do this, you must go to the appropriate rank chat on Hangouts and if needed, attend the classes offered by the Scout leaders. To get a requirement signed off, message the instructor of the rank you are needing to get signed off and schedule a time for you to meet online and get tested on the requirements you wish to be completed. (The current instructors are Zoe Bell for Scout, Sofia Petrova for Tenderfoot, Shria Dembi for Second Class, and Bhoomika Sidda for First Class. If the instructor for your rank is busy, or needs help, you may contact Srihita Ponnam, Sravika Pillarisetty, Rachel Fewx, or Ritika Putta for signing off.)

How to earn merit badges?

To earn a merit badge, you must first pick a merit badge that interests you and one that you want to earn. Then talk to our Scoutmaster, Mr. Amon, and he will recommend a merit badge instructor for the particular merit badge. Get a signed blue card from Mr. Amon, and contact the merit badge counselor. You may meet with the counselor to go over the requirements, discuss what is expected or any work you have already done, or start signing of requirements. According to YPT policies, your parent, legal guardian, or another adult leader must be present at any meeting with the merit badge counselor. You may begin working on the badge at any time, with the help of your merit badge instructor, or by reading the merit badge pamphlet. Once you are done, meet with the counselor again, and show or tell the requirements you have done. If the counselor is satisfied, they will sign your blue card which you will then turn in to the Advancement Committee to be recognized.

As of now, BSA is offering an online merit badge course, Virtual Exploration Camp, throughout the summer. You may also sign off requirements by contacting a merit badge counselor and completing the merit badge. Merit badge meetings don’t have to be done in person and can be done online with a parent or adult leader present at the meeting. However, if you do choose to do an in-person meeting, please take the safety precautions for the wellbeing of everyone.

How often and when do we have troop meetings?

Troop meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Oliveira Elementary School. Patrols may meet whenever is most convenient for everyone in the patrol, but they must follow YPT policies.

Currently, troop meetings are being held online through Google Meets. The link for the meeting is sent out a few minutes before on the Troop 220 Hangouts chat.

What is a PLC and when is it held?

PLC stands for Patrol Leaders Council and the Scouts in it are responsible for planning and conducting the troop’s activities. The PLC is held on the 3rd Friday of each month and is made up of the Senior Patrol Leader, Assistant Senior Patrol Leaders, and other youth leaders. The PLC is not restricted to just leaders, and if a scout wants to attend they are welcome, but it is mainly for leaders to confer. There are some instances which the PLC will be held on the 1st Friday of a month if there is something important that is needed to go over.

At the present time, PLCs are being held online through Google Meets. The link for the meeting is sent out a few minutes prior to the start of it on the Troop 220 Patrol Leaders Council Hangouts chat.

What supplies and equipment are needed to participate in BSA?

At a minimum, to participate in BSA, a Scout should have their uniform and the BSA handbook. The troop shirt and neckerchief need to be bought and will be provided by the troop. Additional supplies and equipment may be needed for certain activities, such as camping and hiking.

Why do Scouts in our council sell popcorn?

Popcorn sales are the perfect opportunity to teach Scouts the value of hard work and earning their own way. More than 70% of the popcorn sales support your programs and local Scouting. Scouts can learn valuable life skills and can also help their local council which in turn helps Scouts.

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