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The Origins of Troop 220

Updated: Mar 29, 2021

Written By: Joline Edwards, Praghna Hasini Palaparthy, and Zoe Bell

Troop 220. You may think of it as an all-boys boy scout troop, but we’re girls, we believe that even girls can become scouts. Like Robert Baden-Powell said, “If she is to be equally efficient with her brother for work in the world, a girl must be given equal chances with him; equal chances for picking up character and skill, discipline and bodily health, and equal chances for using these when she has got them.” Even girls should know how to live life in a disciplined way.

The BSA organization is the largest in the entire country. It was founded in 1910, later becoming the founding organization of the world organization of the scout movement in 1992. “The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law.” is the mission statement of BSA. BSA was founded so young boys would become good men, now it is for young people to become extraordinary.

The National BSA council governs the western, central, southern, and eastern regions. These regions divide into more areas. The western area, where troop 220 is, is divided into four parts. Like the other three areas, Area 3 controls councils which are: Greater Yosemite council, Mt Diablo Silverado council, SF Bay Area Council, Silicon Valley council, and other councils. Our troop is in the SF Bay Area council Which manages five districts, one of those districts being the Mission Peak district, where Troop 220 lies

BSA has many programs for scouts. All scouting programs have a mission: to help scouts learn and follow the scout oath and law. They have multiple ways to achieve this mission. There are two categories of programs, the traditional scouting programs, and learning for life programs.

Troop 220 was founded by members of Venture Crew 176 and Middle School Explorer Club 176. The founding scoutmaster of Troop 220 was Lee Amon, who was the adult advisor for crew 176. Melody Fewx was the crew president and founding assistant senior patrol leader.

September 21st to 22nd, 2018. What’s that? Those were the days 220 first got a taste of what true Scouting is like. September 21st to 22nd were the days that the Scouts who were ambitious and brave wanted to discover a new way. The Lake Elizabeth campout. Camping, learning, experiencing. A campout which Scouts will never forget.

But in the years that quickly fly by, there have been several memories that won’t fade away like the dust under a couch that’s sucked up by a vacuum. It will stay there like a stain in the rug.

For example, February 1st, 2019 was. Our first official meeting ever. But then it all added up. One hundred and ten years ago on February 8th, 1910. Was the day Boy Scouts really originally started.

It was from the start that Scouting and Troop 220 were intertwined.

Now who remembers TTFC Half Moon-Bay? It started from rainy nights to cooking competitions and horseback riding. It was a learning experience for all the scouts who attended. Adventure and experience were what we longed for.

But there is one event that several scouts will remember for a very long time. Not like a stain on the rug but rather a true memory, a true adventure. July 14, the day our Troop Set foot in a Boy Scout Camp. Camp Royaneh, our first Boy Scout camp that our troop had ever gone to was where we had learned, experienced, and made new memories and friends. But in the same month 81 years, 10 months, 27 days ago. Was the first BSA World Jamboree.

By the end of camp the Scouts almost didn’t want to go home. However, most scouts didn’t realize the last day of camp was July 20th. 5o years on that day was when the first man landed on the moon. Neil Armstrong’s words on the moon were “The Eagle has Landed”. Who knew that the first man to walk on the moon was an Eagle Scout.

From then on, we’ve had many events, such as Klondike, Indoor rally, backpacking trips, car camping, Skit nights and so much more. As I’ve said, Scouting is an experience that you cannot witness without truly being a part of the action, and adventure. The scouting life is one amazing, crazy roller coaster. Taking us up, down, around and we cannot forget upside down.

Before I end this paper on our adventure of a lifetime, Baden Powell once said,

"If she is to be equally efficient with her brother for work in the world, a girl must be given equal chances with him; equal chances for picking up character and skill, discipline and bodily health, and equal chances for using these when she has got them.”

— Robert Baden-Powell, founder of Scouting

Who knew. Troop 220 really is intertwined with Boy scouts.

Lastly, to wrap this up, I want to say, everyone has the right and liberty to transform themselves into a better person, that is what BSA believes, and was created for. This is the origin of troop 220, an all-girls troop who changes the perspective of the world little by little.

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