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Troop 220 Achievements

Written By: Anokhi Luthra

Our troop has earned many awards in its first year of becoming an official troop. To begin with, we have a few awards from our most recent event, the Indoor Rally. We won the Spirit Award, got first place in the Stick Relay, and got second place in First Aid. These are big accomplishments because there were many troops we were competing against, and we were able to stand out in these certain areas. Next, our Troop participated in the Klondike Derby and excelled in many events. At the Tahoe Valley Campground our troop proved that we can do good, even while in the snow. We won second place overall in the derby, first place in the compass relay, earned an award in the fire competition (hot chocolate chug), and received the award of merit and honor. Moving on to the most fun part of the year: summer camp at Royaneh. It was our first time going to summer camp, and everyone who participated had a blast. At the camp, scouts were split into patrols, and patrol B won the Gladiators competition. Lastly, our troop has achieved the Gold Status in its first year of being a troop. This means that we have completed 10 of the 13 requirements, and have earned 1,600 points from the list of points corresponding with each level and requirement. These requirements include advancement, returning members, scouts joining the troop, etc. As you can see our troop has accomplished a lot within the short span of time, and we are all proud to be a part of Troop 220!

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